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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
303 Main St Rockford, Il 61101
(electrical) "prairie state legal" : buildout - 6th floor. Existing service & panel, revised panel schedule and fire alarm system. Add 8 offices, a conference room, new front entrance and waiting room. Per plan review # 09-0910.
Date:  October 8, 2009
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Mainstreet Partners Of Rockford, Matt Provenzano | Permit id: Elect20091729
2009/10/08089303 Main St Rockford, Il 61101Eaton Joseph
13 Alpine Rd Rockford, Il 61108
(electrical) "grace funeral & cremation" - wiring (1) rooftop unit, (4) receptacles in kitchenette, (1) 100amp, 1phase load ctr. P. O. #19026-1b, per randy mills.
Date:  April 9, 2009
Value:   $3,615
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Permit id: Elect20091218
2009/04/0936158913 Alpine Rd Rockford, Il 61108Eaton Joseph
Date:  July 27, 2009
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Rockford Art Museum | Permit id: Elect20091497
2009/07/27089711 Main St Rockford, Il 61103Eaton Joseph
5 Independence Ave Rockford, Il 61102
(electrical) "city yards" - (1) 25 kw generator to gas pumps, 1 amp feed.
Date:  February 27, 2009
Value:   $51,000
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: City Of Rockford | Permit id: Elect20091104
2009/02/2751000895 Independence Ave Rockford, Il 61102Eaton Joseph
6775 Fincham Dr Rockford, Il 61108
(electrical) hanson engineering" interior remodeling, new exit signs, receptacles, light switches. P. O. #19325-1a.
Date:  October 28, 2009
Value:   $2,340
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Vkd Enterprises, Vern Schwebke | Permit id: Elect20091807
2009/10/282340896775 Fincham Dr Rockford, Il 61108Eaton Joseph
4901 Colt Rd Rockford, Il 61109
(electrical) "data center" - installing 120/240v 3phase, 4wire diesel backup generator, (1) 225a transfer switch, (1) 225a 42 circuit panelboard, (1) 200a service disconnect and (1) receptacles. P. O. #19129-1b.
Date:  November 12, 2009
Value:   $46,400
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: The Data Center | Permit id: Elect20091471
2009/11/1246400894901 Colt Rd Rockford, Il 61109Eaton Joseph
4141 Rockton Ave Rockford, Il 61103
(electrical) "wesley willows" - installing 4 amp service (a. S. C. C. #35,644). 208/12/0v panelboard & wire a dishwashing system. P. O. #19321-2a.
Date:  November 13, 2009
Value:   $16,200
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Wesley Willows Corp | Permit id: Elect20091867
2009/11/1316200894141 Rockton Ave Rockford, Il 61103Eaton Joseph
4141 Rockton Ave Rockford, Il 61103
20 amp service (po #19060-1a) a. S. C. C. #35,644. 10/8/09, amending original electrical permit to include the following: re-feed old main distribution panel in 19 addition to new 2,0 amp service. Add new panels to old 1,2 amp service: (1) amp, (3) 1 amps, (1) 125 amps, (12) 4 amps. Feeders to new service: (13) 4 amps, (1) 6 amps and (6) 1 amps. Ref plan review #09-0914.
Date:  August 27, 2009
Value:   $120,535
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Wesley Willows | Permit id: Elect20091637
2009/08/27120535894141 Rockton Ave Rockford, Il 61103Eaton Joseph
1503 Broadway Rockford, Il 61104
Repair 2 amp service damaged by falling limb in storm (po#19115-1d) (contact randy 962-1210)
Date:  June 23, 2009
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Brodway United Methodist Church | Permit id: Elect20091441
2009/06/232500891503 Broadway Rockford, Il 61104Eaton Joseph
318 Spring Creek Rd Rockford, Il 61107
(electrical) "anderson gardens" - open air pavilion. Lighting & receptacles. Seating 1 people +/-. Building plan review 09-1107.
Date:  March 22, 2010
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Anderson Gardens | Permit id: Elect20091900
2010/03/22089318 Spring Creek Rd Rockford, Il 61107Eaton Joseph
1 Lyford Rd Rockford, Il 61107
Wire water heater at city well #37
Date:  April 21, 2011
Value:   $1,130
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Permit id: Elect20111213
2011/04/211130891 Lyford Rd Rockford, Il 61107Eaton Joseph
1025 School St Rockford, Il 61101
New 8 amp panel (po #19932-1a) (ascc - na)
Date:  October 19, 2010
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Arntzen Corporation | Permit id: Elect20101782
2010/10/193000891025 School St Rockford, Il 61101Eaton Joseph
1025 School St Rockford, Il 61101
Arntzen office facility addition. One story office addition to an existing industrial facility. Plan review # 10-0703.
Date:  January 7, 2011
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Arntzen Corporation | Permit id: Elect20101495
2011/01/070891025 School St Rockford, Il 61101Eaton Joseph
711 Main St Rockford, Il 61103
Generator and temporary service panel for greenwich village art fair
Date:  July 15, 2010
Value:   $800
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Permit id: Elect20101429
2010/07/1580089711 Main St Rockford, Il 61103Eaton Joseph
22 Preston St Rockford, Il 61102
12 amp service - #ascc 42,000
Date:  October 25, 2010
Value:   $1
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Permit id: Elect20101808
2010/10/2518922 Preston St Rockford, Il 61102Eaton Joseph
346 Roxbury Rd Rockford, Il 61107
(electrical) "rockford orthopedic surgery ctr" - installing (2) light poles along a private sidewalk. P. O. #19645-1d.
Date:  May 20, 2010
Value:   $6,420
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Rockford Orthopedic Surgery Ctr | Permit id: Elect20101370
2010/05/20642089346 Roxbury Rd Rockford, Il 61107Eaton Joseph
318 Spring Creek Rd Rockford, Il 61107
Anderson garden bar - visitors center. Remove & rework existing partial height walls, including plumbing & electrical work. Rework to create new bar and storage room. Building plan review# 11-0313.
Date:  April 12, 2011
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Anderson, Dave | Permit id: Elect20111161
2011/04/12089318 Spring Creek Rd Rockford, Il 61107Eaton Joseph
3 15th Ave Rockford, Il 61104
Demo existing boiler wiring and connect new boiler and controls
Date:  March 28, 2012
Value:   $15,480
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Rockford Housing Authority, R H A | Permit id: Elect20121223
2012/03/2815480893 15th Ave Rockford, Il 61104Eaton Joseph
324 Roxbury Rd Rockford, Il 61107
Furnish and install (4) 1 watt metal halide light fixtures for new road sign. Connect to existing circuit from old sign that was removed. Lighting to be no more than 2 foot candles at property line.
Date:  January 6, 2012
Value:   $5,585
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Rockford Orthopedic Surgery Ctr | Permit id: Elect20121039
2012/01/06558589324 Roxbury Rd Rockford, Il 61107Eaton Joseph
24 Rockton Ave Rockford, Il 61103
Electrical: rough in walls and new fixturesrmh a2 mother baby - 2nd floor. Renovation work of patient rooms and nurse area. Work includes mechanical, plumbing, electrical, fire suppression and building. Plan review # 11-0618. Amendment to permit 9-28-2010, adding surgical wating area on first floor (office and reception desk)
Date:  October 17, 2011
Value:   $5,150
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Rockford Memorial Hospital | Permit id: Elect20111376
2011/10/1751508924 Rockton Ave Rockford, Il 61103Eaton Joseph
1015 Jefferson St Rockford, Il 61101
Demo existing boiler wiring and connect new boiler and controls.
Date:  March 28, 2012
Value:   $8,600
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Rockford Housing Authority, R H A | Permit id: Elect20121222
2012/03/288600891015 Jefferson St Rockford, Il 61101Eaton Joseph
421 Rockton Ave Rockford, Il 61102
Electrical: 4 amp service replacementrock river valley pantry. Renovate interior office space for public food distribution. Add interior office, restrooms and food packing rooms. Building plan review # 11-0913. Mep is design build-no mep drawings submitted!
Date:  December 7, 2011
Value:   $79,650
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Rock River Valley Pantry | Permit id: Elect20111750
2011/12/077965089421 Rockton Ave Rockford, Il 61102Eaton Joseph
711 Main St Rockford, Il 61103
Parking lot lighting per plans ans specs.
Date:  July 3, 2012
Value:   $101,160
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Rockford Art Museum | Permit id: Elect20121472
2012/07/0310116089711 Main St Rockford, Il 61103Eaton Joseph
711 Main St Rockford, Il 61103
Generator and temporary service panel for greenwich village art fair
Date:  June 24, 2011
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Permit id: Elect20111378
2011/06/24100089711 Main St Rockford, Il 61103Eaton Joseph
711 Main St Rockford, Il 61103
Ram gallery & gift shop lighting replacement. Plan review.
Date:  December 14, 2011
Value:   $216,000
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Rockford Art Museum | Permit id: Elect20111607
2011/12/1421600089711 Main St Rockford, Il 61103Eaton Joseph
1311 Parkview Ave Rockford, Il 61107
Install power and control for the new duplex lift station
Date:  August 23, 2012
Value:   $4,500
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: P.A. Peterson | Permit id: Elect20121603
2012/08/234500891311 Parkview Ave Rockford, Il 61107Eaton Joseph
711 Main St Rockford, Il 61103
There will be generators and a temporary service panel for vendors.
Date:  June 26, 2012
Value:   $500
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Permit id: Elect20121453
2012/06/2650089711 Main St Rockford, Il 61103Eaton Joseph
6555 Lexus Dr Rockford, Il 61108
Wire new road sign. Circuits were installed to the location when the building was constructed. Special power is extending the circuits from an underground junction box to the sign and adding a photocell control for the lighting. Message board is wireless. Applicant p. O. Number is 20767-1
Date:  January 5, 2012
Value:   $2,000
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Morris, Howard | Permit id: Elect20121038
2012/01/052000896555 Lexus Dr Rockford, Il 61108Eaton Joseph
2902 Eastrock Dr Rockford, Il 61109
Electrical: 16 amp new service for plant addition per submitted plans. Special power p. O. 21550-9dial machine addition. Addition of factor space. Work includes, building, mechanical, plumbing, gas piping, fire suppression and electrical. Building plan review 12-0307.
Date:  July 19, 2012
Value:   $240,600
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Anderberg, Malcom | Permit id: Elect20121215
2012/07/19240600892902 Eastrock Dr Rockford, Il 61109Eaton Joseph
4141 Rockton Ave Rockford, Il 61103
Misc. Electrical wiring notes: furnish & install misc. Labor & material for boiler replacement
Date:  September 25, 2012
Value:   $9,000
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Willows, Wesley | Permit id: Elect20121675
2012/09/259000894141 Rockton Ave Rockford, Il 61103Eaton Joseph
1665 Elmwood Rd Rockford, Il 61103
Install (1) 2 amp 4 volt feeder to laboratory blower system. Install (1) 25 kva transformed; (1) 125 amp, 240/1 volt panelboard and related feeders. Install receptacles as located by the owner.
Date:  June 11, 2012
Value:   $12,675
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Eclipse Inc, Attn Accounts Payable | Permit id: Elect20121408
2012/06/1112675891665 Elmwood Rd Rockford, Il 61103Eaton Joseph
1665 Elmwood Rd Rockford, Il 61103
Kw emergency generator
Date:  January 10, 2012
Value:   $67,180
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Eclipse Inc, Attn Accounts Payable | Permit id: Elect20111562
2012/01/1067180891665 Elmwood Rd Rockford, Il 61103Eaton Joseph
6125 11th St Rockford, Il 61109
Replace existing 800a 277/480v service with a new 1600a 277/480v service. Relocate the existing feeders to the new service. Install (2) 150kva transformers and 400a feeders. Install (2) runs of 400a busduct. Special power purchase order number 21755-12.
Date:  December 20, 2012
Value:   $109,500
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Raycar Gear And Machine Co., Dan Schwartz | Permit id: Elect20121888
2012/12/20109500896125 11th St Rockford, Il 61109Eaton Joseph
318 Spring Creek Rd Rockford, Il 61107
Furnish and install (1) 1 amp, 240/1 volt, single phase, underground, main service for seasonal decorations and future sign. Special power po number 21944-1 further description from special power: the attached permit request is for a service at the anderson gardens visitors center. The request is for seasonal decorations and a sign. The sign is a future project and is not part of the present project at this time. The service will feed one of their large holiday angels at the southwest corner of the lot so it can be seen from north second street and the east side ramps. A large tree will be removed to insure the decorations are on the owners property and do not interfere with line of sight for traffic. We have made all arrangements with comed regarding this installation. Please contact me with any questions or comments. Thank you, joe eaton special power, inc.
Date:  November 8, 2012
Value:   $3,430
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Anderson Gardens | Permit id: Elect20121808
2012/11/08343089318 Spring Creek Rd Rockford, Il 61107Eaton Joseph
11 Seminary St Rockford, Il 61104
Furnish and install (1) 1 amp, 2 / 1 volt, single phase, underground main service and wire gate operators.
Date:  October 31, 2011
Value:   $11,695
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Permit id: Elect20111712
2011/10/31116958911 Seminary St Rockford, Il 61104Eaton Joseph
6943 State St Rockford, Il 61108
Electrical: new 2 amp, 480/277 volt main service. New emergency generator and ats. New pumps. New control system. New lighting. Special power invoice #spi21713-1. Lock box on empty store next to medchoice. Lock box # is 2875 for inspectionsinterior demo of (3) offices
Date:  August 28, 2012
Value:   $4,100
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Rockford Associates | Permit id: Elect20121610
2012/08/284100896943 State St Rockford, Il 61108Eaton Joseph
811 Perryville Rd Rockford, Il 61108
Chiropractic office for dr. Jared erdmier. Partitions, act, floor coverings, plumbing, hvac ductwork only, electrical power & lighting. Building plan review # 11-0604
Date:  July 6, 2011
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: East Bridge Centre, Llc | Permit id: Elect20111327
2011/07/06089811 Perryville Rd Rockford, Il 61108Eaton Joseph
854 Simpson Rd Rockford, Il 61102
Electrical: 6 amp, 208/1 volt main service. Office and shop lighting; exterior wall mounted lighting. Convenience receptacles. Wiring of heating and cooling systems. Wiring of door operators, air compressors, power washer and welder. John deere dealership. Develop site and construct a new john deere dealership for sales and service of farm equipment. Building plan review # 11-1216.
Date:  August 24, 2012
Value:   $125,600
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: West Side Building, Jim Johnson | Permit id: Elect20111930
2012/08/2412560089854 Simpson Rd Rockford, Il 61102Eaton Joseph
6521 Lexus Dr Rockford, Il 61108
Wire two signs installed by signs now. Special power po number 21744-1 for inspection purposes, address of unit is 6533 lexus
Date:  August 29, 2012
Value:   $600
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Weiskopf, Jerome | Permit id: Elect20121614
2012/08/29600896521 Lexus Dr Rockford, Il 61108Eaton Joseph
6585 Lexus Dr Rockford, Il 61108
Install new lighting, receptacles, wiring for new bathroom and office space. Mincemoyer jewelry interior remodel. Adding additional tenant space into the present store space. New restrooms and building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing work. Building plan review # 12-0101.
Date:  February 10, 2012
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Morris, Howard | Permit id: Elect20121044
2012/02/100896585 Lexus Dr Rockford, Il 61108Eaton Joseph
305 James Ave Rockford, Il 61107
1 amp (oh) temp service for engineers office trlr for the dawson street water main project.
Date:  October 27, 2009
Value:   $1,200
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: City Of Rockford, Public Works | Permit id: Elect20091830
2009/10/27120089305 James Ave Rockford, Il 61107Eaton Joseph
801 Perryville Rd Rockford, Il 61107
Electric (child permit) misc. Demo, new can fixtures, and (2) floor boxes. Demo 2 interior walls, rework lighting to accomodate new display case layout. Add minimal electrical for new case work.
Date:  October 5, 2012
Value:   $7,425
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Meade, Brent | Permit id: Elect20121709
2012/10/05742589801 Perryville Rd Rockford, Il 61107Eaton Joseph
3501 State St Rockford, Il 61101
Electrical: new building per plans and specifications. Site will have a temporary 100a construction service. 600-100aosf ems training facility. New building with full mep drawings. Building plan review # 11-1102.
Date:  February 17, 2012
Value:   $97,000
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Osf St Anthony Medical Ctr | Permit id: Elect20111722
2012/02/1797000893501 State St Rockford, Il 61101Eaton Joseph
15 Mulford Rd Rockford, Il 61107
Emergency generator. Per applicant:per your call to randy mills in our office i have attached a copy of the generator submittal. The unit is kw and is approximately 87 long, 41 wide and 47 tall. The engine is a general motors 3 cubic inch v8 operating at 18 rpm. It is natural gas operated, electronically controlled and has an internal critical rated silencer. The weatherproof enclosure has sound insulation. The generator is rated decibels (speech) at 21 from the unit. It is the quietest unit they make and in fact is quieter than a car idling in the driveway. The generator is being installed on the north side of the garage and is 1 from the house next door. Dave rydell owns that house as well which makes it over 5 to any of the other neighbors. The generator was planned for and roughed in as part of the last addition and electric service upgrade. There is an existing main circuit breaker with a 36 conduit between it and the distribution panel. The conduit gets removed and the automatic
Date:  October 14, 2011
Value:   $25,500
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Rydell, David | Permit id: Elect20111658
2011/10/14255008915 Mulford Rd Rockford, Il 61107Eaton Joseph
21 23rd Ave Rockford, Il 61104
30 amp service. Replace existing tired switchgear with modern switchgear of the same ampacity. Work will be performed over labor day weekend. Service is to be energized at 10: am on tuesday, 9-4-12. The plant needs power by then in order to start production.
Date:  August 22, 2012
Value:   $198,017
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: International Paper | Permit id: Elect20121595
2012/08/221980178921 23rd Ave Rockford, Il 61104Eaton Joseph
845 Perryville Rd Rockford, Il 61108
Electrical: tenant build out per plans and specifications. Special power p. O. 21635-1new restroom, office, backroom and sales floor in existing vacant retail space. Plan review 12-0624 t & t gamesmechanical, plumbing and electrical child permits. Electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits are to be obtained by licensed sub contractors. No work may be started on electrical, plumbing or mechanical until individual permit is received by subcontractor.
Date:  July 19, 2012
Value:   $17,080
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Eastbridge Center Llc | Permit id: Elect20121455
2012/07/191708089845 Perryville Rd Rockford, Il 61108Eaton Joseph
202 State St Rockford, Il 61101
(electrical) "rock river internet" - rockford trust bldg. New generator and existing feeders & transfer switch. Per plan review #09-=1012. P. O. #19278-1c. (generator for icd group inc. Completion of outdoor generator install. Ats installed and conduits stubbed out by special power inc and inspected on previous permit.)
Date:  October 19, 2009
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Trust Bldg | Permit id: Elect20091801
2009/10/19089202 State St Rockford, Il 61101Eaton Joseph
3491 Merchandise Dr Rockford, Il 61109
(electrical) "rockford charter coach" - interior office build-out - new lighting & outlets and unit heaters. Plan review 10-0219.
Date:  March 19, 2010
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Rockford Charter Coach, Rcc Real Estate Llc | Permit id: Elect20101136
2010/03/190893491 Merchandise Dr Rockford, Il 61109Eaton Joseph
6401 Newburg Rd Rockford, Il 61108
Wire new walk-in cooler and walk-in freezer. Special power po#21756-2
Date:  September 7, 2012
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Peterson Meadows Retirement | Permit id: Elect20121635
2012/09/072500896401 Newburg Rd Rockford, Il 61108Eaton Joseph
854 Simpson Rd Rockford, Il 61102
Electrical: amp, 208/1 volt sub-panel. Lighting. Door operator. Receptaclesjohn deere cold storage building. Building and electrical work only. Building plan review # 12-0205.
Date:  August 24, 2012
Value:   $5,800
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: West Side Building, Jim Johnson | Permit id: Elect20121121
2012/08/24580089854 Simpson Rd Rockford, Il 61102Eaton Joseph
25 Oakridge Ln Rockford, Il 61107
Slab and generator to be in side or rear yard and must be located at least 6 from the property line. Replace existing 4 amp service with new 4 amp service as required by comed to eliminate underground current transformers that are no longer approved. Furnish and install kw emergency generator. The service is being replaced to facilitate the generator installation and to comply with comeds request to eliminate the old style metering current transformers that are buried under ground by the meter socket. They are requiring a new meter pedestal that meets their current standards
Date:  November 2, 2011
Value:   $37,000
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Behr, Richard | Permit id: Elect20111721
2011/11/02370008925 Oakridge Ln Rockford, Il 61107Eaton Joseph
5921 Allerton Dr Rockford, Il 61114
(electrical) "christian life retirement ctr" (c. L. R. C.) (1) 8 amp service, 3phase. A. S. C. C. Form required to be submitted prior to service inspection! (20) 1 amp feeders andc 1st & 2nd floor fire alarms. Plan review # 09-1203
Date:  July 6, 2010
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Christian Life Retirement Center - Allerton, Inc. | Permit id: Elect20091925
2010/07/060895921 Allerton Dr Rockford, Il 61114Eaton Joseph
5875 Riverside Blvd Rockford, Il 61114
Electrical: remodel of existing space including new lighting and fire alarmremodel existing vacant grocery and retail space into clinical and administration space.
Date:  October 9, 2012
Value:   $1,430,000
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Roa Riverside Development Llc | Permit id: Elect20121608
2012/10/091430000895875 Riverside Blvd Rockford, Il 61114Eaton Joseph
202 State St Rockford, Il 61101
(electrical) "echo star" - 4 amp 120/208v feeder from basement to 8th floor. P. O. #18964-1c.
Date:  February 23, 2009
Value:   $29,395
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Echo Star | Permit id: Elect20091090
2009/02/232939589202 State St Rockford, Il 61101Eaton Joseph
845 Perryville Rd Rockford, Il 61108
(electrical) "dukes & lords", suite 2a. (1) 125 amp feeder, dual switching for main room. Subdivide space into two. New ceiling, offices, floor & wall finishes, some mep changes. Plan review # 10-0702.
Date:  August 12, 2010
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: East Bridge Centre, Llc | Permit id: Elect20101493
2010/08/12089845 Perryville Rd Rockford, Il 61108Eaton Joseph
2812 22nd St Rockford, Il 61109
Electrical: warehouse addition per plans and specificationsmte addition. New 14,7 s. F. Metal building addition to an existing block building of 15,1 s. F. Both buildings are one story. Mep work not submitted yet. Building plan review # 11-0709
Date:  October 14, 2011
Value:   $27,890
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Mte Rapid Air | Permit id: Elect20111578
2011/10/1427890892812 22nd St Rockford, Il 61109Eaton Joseph
4021 Morsay Dr Rockford, Il 61107
(electrical) "financial management services - call center". Interior remodeling: existing service & panels. P. O. #19157-4a. Iinterior demo to create call center space, remove and relocate lighting, doors. Add cubicles. East end is a future tenant. Plan review # 09-0810.
Date:  August 28, 2009
Value:   $24,000
Contractor: Eaton Joseph

Client: Financial Management Systems, Paul Dodson | Permit id: Elect20091616
2009/08/2824000894021 Morsay Dr Rockford, Il 61107Eaton Joseph

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